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Saturday 26 March 2016

Blogging has been a major platform  for  the promotion of brands and companies for these years. It has also been a good source of income. But the major difficulty that you face before starting with your blog  is the start up. If you are a blogger too, you must choose your mentor and find some inspiration for yourself.
In this article I am going to provide you with a list of top inspirational websites and their founders. Hope you find a right way to your career.

  1.        ,. – Rand Fishkin 
Rand Fishkin started his blogging career back in 2004. He worked for a web-development company then. He was a college dropout! Earlier he used to provide useful SEO strategies to a few clients but now SEOmoz solely focuses on developing great SEO software and provides free training courses about the search industry. Now Rand’s website is making millions of dollars every month from its software and subscription services. You see, hard work pays. 

2. – Brian Clark
.Brian Clark started back in 2006 where he shared resources to learn to be content marketers, copywriters and to create killer contents. In the past years Brian grew smarter and launched Copyblogger Media to leverage his audience.. His media has launched many software companies. To name a few are Scribe, Synthesis, Studiopress and Premise. Brian’s key to success is that his readers love him and buys his products. He is still as active in running Copyblogger as was he in his first day. – Gary Vaynerchuk
Gary was the host of Wine Library TV, a site that discussed everything about wine. This was where he had  gained his internet fame. He built his $3 million/year wine business to $60 million/year wine holesale business only through video blogging! He is the Co-founder of Vayner Media, a large digital marketing agency. He has worked with a number of pro brands in the world. He has already been featured by the Times Magazine, Wall Street Journal etc. – Pat Flynn
Pat was forced lose his job to support his growing family. He started to help websites and online money-making projects track their progress. He has a massive audience and it is probably the outcome of his honesty. Till today, at the hill-top of his life, he shares his income report with his readers. At the moment Pat runs a podcast for his audience and attends conferences too. He is earning tens of thousands of dollars only from a single site. – Andrew Sullivan
Andrew had started his career in 2000. By 2003, he grew her unique visits to the site massively and it was so big that he made a big change in his career and shifted from other gigs to devote to  On its launch day in 2013, it nearly made $330,000!! He even charged $20 from each reader.

6. – Darren Rowse
Darren is from Melbourne, Australia. He started blogging as his hobby and for his passion of photography. He had blogged about Olympics and has a photography blog till now. Later on he decided to help out other bloggers through his service. So, eventually he started and became a full-time blogger. He earns decent money from affiliate marketing, advertising deals ,selling E-books and Adsence for sure. He was named to the Forbes celebrity List in 2007. He lives with his family, fully living on blogging. He is an inspiration to all those  who always wanted to be their own boss.
Let me know if you have any other bloggers worthy of following or you personally like and get inspired from them. I will try to add those in my list because I give value to your opinions. Give your opinions in the comment box.

So,here you are with the perfect list to follow. Find your time to read these sites and do follow this blog for the upcoming surprise!! Till then stay tuned..

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  1. Great list! It's always a good idea to read blogs that have had mass success. I also like Neil Patel's blog.

  2. Fav man...Always love to get inspired...Learning a lot from u

  3. Pat Flynn is always inspirational. is the website which i check in frequently. He is such a cool and inspirational icon. Overall it is a good list..!

  4. Interesting collection of inspirational bloggers. I see all of them are sort of online financial advisors for blogs.

  5. I like this list of bloggers and the fact that you gave their credentials for why they were on the list. I don't have a regular list myself but I find that there are certain people that I go back to when I need some inspiration. It may vary as I learn and grow on my blog. I will have to check out these blogs now!

  6. Those are some of the top blogs for information on blogging. I do not follow anyone specifically, but when I search for information, they come up high on search engines.

  7. I'm currently following Darren. He gives great tips! I love how he can explain things in very simple terms. Makes me realize that it's not rocket science at all. I'm just a new to blogging so I really appreciate his posts. Will check the others out - having more inspirational people to follow is an added fuel for me to continue what I do :)

  8. Thanks for recommendation. I haven't heard of the most of those bloggers and i can't wait to check their blogs out. I love finding new things to read :)

  9. Oh , that is a great list ! Bookmarked , it is always a advantage to check on experienced bloggers , as there are so may amazing guys out there willing to help and support newbies . A fantastic community all together , I am glad I have discovered writing and blogging for myself some months ago . Thanks for sharing these with us !

  10. Thanks for posting this, new to the blogging community so it's always very informational to check out posts that refer more established bloggers. Especially interested in since what he writes about is related to what I would really like to do. Bookmarked his page for reference. :)


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